Have a question about Caltex StarCard? We want to help in any way we can! From how to apply for Caltex StarCard, the exciting perks and discounts you can receive as a Caltex StarCard Cardholder or managing your account, get the answers to your questions here.
Browse our list of frequently asked questions below or call our Customer Service team on 1300 234 279 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria) for any other queries.
Fuel card application-related questions and answers.
You can apply online for a Caltex StarCard here.
Alternatively, you can also apply over the phone by calling 1300 234 279 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria).
When applying for a Caltex StarCard, you will need to meet the following eligibility criteria:
· Have an Australian Business Number (ABN) that has been trading for at least six months
· Be 18 years or older
· Be an officeholder of the business (e.g. Director or Company Secretary) or a person authorised to make this application on behalf of the organisation)
· Intend to use the card solely for business purposes.
When preparing the application for a StarCard, make sure you have the following handy:
· Your ABN
· Your driver’s licence number, if you're a sole trader or in a partnership
· The vehicle registration number, if the fuel card is being assigned to a specific vehicle
· The driver’s full name, if the fuel card is being assigned to a specific driver
· Your bank account or credit card details, if you want to pay by direct debit.
Please note that we may ask for financial information, proof of address or additional supporting documents in order to assess your application.
Caltex StarCard is available for business ABN holders only. Currently, Caltex StarCard doesn’t offer fuel cards for personal use.
There is no limit to how many fuel cards you can apply for.
If you're having trouble with your application, you can call 1300 234 279 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria) or email starcardau@chevron.com.
You can check the status by calling 1300 234 279 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria).
We will send your new Caltex StarCard the next business day after approval of your application.
However, the actual time it takes for your card to arrive will vary depending on Australia Post delivery schedules.
A fuel card is a card that businesses can use to purchase fuel and other vehicle-related expenses. Unlike traditional credit cards and debit cards, a fuel card has been designed specifically for fleet management. For example, it has customisable purchase controls (restrictions) and enhanced data reporting capabilities that are used by businesses for auditing and tax reporting purposes.
A fuel card can help businesses control a fleet’s total spend each billing cycle, whilst identifying operational efficiencies for a business. Furthermore, a fuel card can help protect, manage and optimise a fleet management’s expense budget.
We have two options to help you get the card that’s right for your business.
The Caltex StarCard Open Loop provides the ultimate coverage and can be used at over 6,000 service stations and industry partners across Australia.*
Caltex StarCard Closed Loop ensures that your discount eligibility and fees are tightly controlled, with these cards only accepted at locations within the Caltex StarCard merchant network. With Closed Loop cards, you can avoid paying transaction fees.
You can also have a mix of these cards across your account.
*Caltex StarCard Open Loop cards only, subject to account limitations.
Caltex StarCard is accepted at over 450 Caltex StarCard merchant locations. Discover our nearby locations by visiting our locator.
Alternatively, with an Open Loop StarCard, you have access to over 6,000 WEX Motorpass Merchant sites and industry partners across Australia.*
If you are using the card at a fuel site, simply swipe your card at the terminal to make a payment.
If you're using the card at a non-fuel site, such as car washes or car servicing businesses, present your StarCard at the register.
*Caltex StarCard Open Loop cards only, subject to account limitations.
Learn about the Caltex StarCard discounts.
With Caltex StarCard, you will have access to a series of discounts and benefits from various industry partners. From new tyres to accommodation and parking, your Caltex StarCard is working hard for you both on and off the road.*
Depending upon your account limitations, you may be entitled to some, or all of the full range of products and services offered by Caltex StarCard.
*Caltex StarCard Open Loop cards only, subject to account limitations.
Yes, you will need to use your Caltex StarCard Open Loop when paying, to be eligible for any non-fuel discounts. You can manage your card preferences in the StarCard Online Service Centre to ensure your Caltex StarCard can be used for non-fuel purchases.*
*Caltex StarCard Open Loop cards only, subject to account limitations.
Questions about Caltex StarCard site acceptance.
A Caltex StarCard can be used at all Caltex StarCard merchant locations across Australia. The Open Loop Caltex StarCard is also accepted at over 6,000 service stations and industry partners across Australia*.
To view a full list of locations that offer eligible discounts to all Caltex StarCard customers, please visit our Caltex StarCard locator here.
Note that extra fees apply when you use your Caltex StarCard at a Merchant site rather than a Caltex or Puma Energy service station.
*Caltex StarCard Open Loop cards only, subject to account limitations.
Eligible discounts are available at all Caltex StarCard merchants. To view a full list of locations, please visit our Caltex StarCard locator here.
An Open Loop Caltex StarCard is also accepted at over 6,000 WEX Motorpass merchants and industry partners across Australia.
Find out how to make changes to your account.
To change the name associated with your StarCard account, send us an email at starcardau@chevron.com with:
· Your account number
· Account name
· The name previously associated with this account
· The new name
· A copy of your ASIC change of name certificate.
You can control your account via the StarCard Online Service Centre 24/7.
Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Service team during regular business hours between 8:45 AM - 7:00 PM AEST on weekdays (excluding Public Holidays in Victoria). If you need assistance with cancelling lost or stolen fuel cards, our Customer Service team is available to assist outside of these hours.
If you need urgent assistance that is not StarCard Roadside Assistance related (such as a lost card or a locked card), you may be able to seek help and lodge the appropriate actions online through the StarCard Online Service Centre. The StarCard Online Service Centre is the fastest way to update your account.
If you are a driver and need urgent assistance that is not StarCard Roadside Assistance related, please contact your account holder (or authorised representative) who will be able to log into the StarCard Online Service Centre and make the appropriate changes or requests that you require.
If you are unable to complete your request via the StarCard Online Service Centre, you can call our Customer Service team on 1300 234 279 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria).
Log in to the StarCard Online Service Centre to view your account details, run reports, request receipts and replacement cards, manage card controls, and so much more.
If your StarCard Online Service Centre account is locked send us an email at starcardau@chevron.com. You can also call us on 1300 234 279 to reset the password (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria).
Please regularly ensure that your account details are correct.
You can change your phone number online through the StarCard Online Service Centre. Simply:
Navigate to the StarCard Online Service Centre
Click Account → Account settings → Contact details
Edit Main telephone number and Mobile number.
You may also change the phone numbers associated with individual cards. Simply:
Navigate to the StarCard Online Service Centre
Click Cards → [Select card] → Settings → Edit → Mobile phone field.
If you need to add or update an email address linked to your Caltex StarCard account, you can do so in the StarCard Online Service Centre.
Correspondence email address
To help us keep in touch with you about our services, we'll send you relevant marketing or service emails to this email address. However, if you haven't added a correspondence email address, we will send these to your invoice email address. We will only send you marketing or service emails if you have opted-in to receive these. If you wish to opt-out of receiving marketing emails, please contact our Customer Service Team by sending us an email at starcardau@chevron.com.
You can edit this email address in the StarCard Online Service Centre under Account → Account settings → Contact details.
Invoice email address
We will send your statements to this email address.
You can edit this email address in the StarCard Online Service Centre under Account → Account settings → Contact details.
Quarterly Activity Report/ Annual Activity Report email address
If you're subscribed to receive Quarterly Activity Reports or Annual Activity Reports, we send these reports to this email address.
You can edit this email address in the StarCard Online Service Centre under Account → Account settings → Contact details.
Credit limit email address
If your account balance is approaching your spend limit, we'll notify you by emailing this email address.
You can edit this email address in the StarCard Online Service Centre under Account → Account settings → Contact details.
StarCard Online Service Centre notification email address
We will use this email address for the StarCard Online Service Centre notifications and two-factor authentication emails.
To edit this email address, navigate to the StarCard Online Service Centre and to My profile settings (the profile icon at the top right corner) → StarCard Online Service Centre notification email address.
Transaction controls notification email address
We send all card transaction control notifications to this email address.
To edit the email associated with Account-level notifications, go to Account → Transaction controls → Notifications.
To edit the email associated with Card level notifications, go to Cards → [Select card] → Card transaction controls → Notifications.
Card email addresses
If you wish to change the email addresses associated with individual cards, navigate to Cards → [Select card] → Settings → Edit → Email address field.
You don't need to register or create a login for the StarCard Online Service Centre customer portal, as we do this for you automatically.
When your StarCard application is approved, we create a StarCard Online Service Centre account on your behalf. If you're the account holder, you will receive your StarCard Online Service Centre login details in your StarCard application approval email.
Your StarCard Online Service Centre username is most often your account number unless you've asked for it to be changed. You'll find your nine-digit StarCard account number in the top-right corner of your StarCard statement.
If you've forgotten either your username or password, you can reset these by clicking the Forgotten your username? or Forgotten your password? links on the login page.
You can change the address on your account in the StarCard Online Service Centre under Account → Account Settings → Address Details.
We’ve replaced the secret question/answer with a more secure 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) process for identity verification.
Caltex StarCard spend limits help you manage your business cash flow and ensure that driver spending is within your set parameters.
We urge you to keep an eye on your spending to make sure it does not exceed your spend limit.
If this accidentally happens, you should pay the amount that exceeds the limit immediately because you will be charged an over the limit fee for each month (or part thereof) that the current balance exceeds the approved spend limit.
Note, if payment is not made, your account could also be suspended or closed and a suspension fee charged.
You can request a spend limit increase by logging in to your StarCard Online Service Centre account and navigating to Account → Account Settings.
Note that spend limit increases are subject to assessment and approval.
Your Caltex StarCard account has a specified spending limit. It is not possible to remove a spend limit, but you can request for your spend limit to be adjusted.
Note that each spend limit request is subject to assessment and approval.
We periodically review our customer’s accounts to ensure you are using your fuel card account to the full potential.
As part of the review, we look at your account spend over time to determine if you require the full spend limit. The review takes into consideration your highest monthly spend over the past 18 months, your current invoicing and billing arrangements plus an additional spending buffer.
During this review, we may update your spend limit to better match your needs and minimise the chance of unauthorised or fraudulent transactions.
If we decrease your spend limit, we will notify you by email (to your invoice email address) 30 days before the spend limit reduction comes into effect.
At any time, you can request a spend limit increase. You can request a spend limit increase either via our StarCard Online Service Centre by navigating to Account → Account settings → Credit limit and proposing a new spend limit, or by sending us an email to starcardau@chevron.com Note that each spend limit request is subject to assessment and approval.
When your spend limit is easy to track, you're more likely to stay under budget. Remember that it’s also easier to stay on top of your spend limit by switching to weekly billing.
For example, if your spend limit is $1,000 and you're on a weekly billing cycle with 14 days payment terms, the $1,000 spend limit would cover your spend for three weeks (weekly billing, plus the agreed payment terms).
If you are on a monthly billing cycle with a $1,000 spend limit and 14 days payment terms, you would only be required to pay by the due date in your invoice (i.e. 14 days after your invoice date). However, if you spent $900 that month, you would only have $100 available until the due date in your statement.
Two-factor authentication is an added layer of security that protects your StarCard Online Service Centre account. It prevents anyone else but you from making changes to your account.
Whenever you attempt to make changes, we'll ask you to confirm your identity by entering a one-off verification code. This verification code will be sent to the email address you use to log in to the StarCard Online Service Centre. Once your identity has been verified using the code, your changes will be saved.
2FA sends an 8-digit code to your registered mobile number or email, which you then enter on-screen to verify your identity.
Your mobile number allows us to contact you quickly and send you 2FA codes, helping us keep your account secure. It also allows us to send you the 8-digit verification code.
Using mobile numbers for 2FA enables faster, more convenient identity verification, with the code sent directly to your mobile device.
If you're having any trouble with two-factor authentication, please get in touch with our Customer Service Team by sending us an email at starcardau@chevron.com.
Using your card, card types, and controls.
Not all StarCards require activation but, if your card does, the welcome letter that comes with your new StarCard will contain activation instructions.
For more information visit the StarCard Online Service Centre, call 1300 764 502 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria), or email starcardau@chevron.com.
If you need to activate a new card but have misplaced the activation code mailed to you, you can use the Get New Card Activation Code feature within Caltex StarCard OSC to generate a new code instantly.
To get a new activation code:
1. Log into Caltex StarCard OSC and go to the Cards section.
2. Click the Activate Cards button to view any cards that require activation.
3. Select the card and click Get New Code.
4. Authenticate using 2-Factor Authentication
5. Your activation code will appear in the Activation Code field.
6. Click Activate to complete card activation.
As an account holder, you can add new cards to your account by logging into your StarCard Online Service Centre and navigate to Cards - Add new card button and follow the prompts.
If you are having issues with your Caltex StarCard please call our Customer Service team on 1300 234 279 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria) or email starcardau@chevron.com
Your Caltex StarCard account is set up with an ‘Account spend limit’ which is shared across all of your cards. This means that your individual cards do not have a specific limit but collectively all cards can only spend up to the total Account spend limit.
If you are a driver, you will need to contact your account holder to check the account balance in the StarCard Online Service Centre.
If your Caltex StarCard is lost, stolen or damaged, you should cancel your card by logging into your StarCard Online Service Centre account and navigating to Cards → [Select card] → Settings → Report Card Lost, Stolen or Damaged. You can also order a replacement card in the process. Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Service team on 1300 234 279.
Note that if you report your card lost or stolen, your card will be cancelled straight away. If you report it damaged, your card will still be active for 10 days until your new card arrives.
A card will be locked if the PIN has been entered incorrectly three times.
To unlock the card, log in to the StarCard Online Service Centre, navigate to Cards → [Select card] → PIN Settings and reset your PIN.
You can also call 1300 234 279 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria). Make sure you have access to the mobile number registered for the card so you can receive an SMS containing further instructions.
If you have a Caltex StarCard that is about to expire, we'll automatically reissue and post you a new Caltex StarCard one month before the old card expires. You can use the new card instantly and must destroy your old card once it arrives.
If you haven't received a replacement for your expiring card, contact our Customer Service team on 1300 234 279 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria) or email starcardau@chevron.com
To view your Caltex StarCard PIN settings, please log into the StarCard Online Service Centre, navigate to Cards → [Select card] → PIN Settings
If you want to remove a PIN from your card, please contact our Customer Service team on 1300 234 279 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria) or email starcardau@chevron.com
To set or change a PIN on your card, log in to your StarCard Online Service Centre account. Check that PINs are set as either Yes, Optional or No, which you will find under Account → PIN Settings.
There are three PIN settings available:
Yes – a PIN must be used on all your cards and set before the card can be used.
Optional – PIN authorisation will be active on selected cards.
No – no PIN settings will be active, but PIN authorisation can be added at any time.
If you've selected to set PIN authorisation, the PIN can then be set in the Cards section. Select the active card on which you wish to set the PIN, then navigate to PIN Settings to create the PIN.
If you have multiple cards, you can ask your cardholders to set up their own PINs. To set up their own PIN, they will need to call 1300 764 502 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria) and have the Caltex StarCard number and the mobile phone number associated with that card ready.
The temporary block feature allows you to block your card directly in the Caltex StarCard Online Service Centre (OSC) to prevent unauthorised use while you locate your card.
You may want to block your card if it’s temporarily misplaced. This feature allows you to prevent transactions until you’re ready to use it again.
To block your card:
1. Log into Caltex StarCard OSC and go to the Cards section.
2. Select the card you want to block.
3. Scroll down to the Temporary Block/Unblock button.
4. Click Confirm Block on the pop-up.
5. Your card will be blocked, and transactions will be declined.
To unblock your card:
1. Log into Caltex StarCard OSC and navigate to the Cards section.
2. Select the card you want to unblock.
3. Scroll down to the Unblock button and click on it.
4. Your card will be active and ready for transactions.
No, you can block and unblock your card as many times as needed.
Product controls limit what your cardholders are allowed to buy with their Caltex StarCard.
Similar to transaction limits, you can set product controls on an account or card-level.
The product control categories are:
Fuel and oil only (includes unleaded, premium unleaded, diesel, LPG, oil and low aromatic fuel).
All vehicle expenses (includes unleaded, premium unleaded, diesel, LPG, oil, low aromatic fuel, car wash, parking, roadside assistance, service & repairs and tyres).
Other (includes accommodation, shop and taxi).
All products (includes all the product categories listed above)
Or you can specify any combination of the individual product categories.
You can set product controls in the StarCard Online Service Centre under Cards → [Select card] → Settings → Product Controls. You can change these individually for each card at a card-level but not across all cards at an account-level.
These product controls can be set immediately after your Caltex StarCard application has been approved. You can also set them when applying with a paper form for a Caltex StarCard.*
*Setting up or changing product controls on existing cards will generate a new card, the new product settings will not apply to the current card in hand.
If you have an embossed card and update product controls, you’ll receive a new card without embossing. Going forward, you won’t need a replacement card for product control changes.
· All new cards are now issued without product embossing.
· Existing embossed cards will be replaced without embossing when they expire or are lost/stolen.
Transaction controls are purchase limits and security alerts you can set to Caltex StarCard. They can be set across all cards at an account-level or on individual cards at a card-level.
You can create a setting to either ‘Decline & Alert’* or ‘Approve & Alert’** the account holder in the following scenarios:
· When a cardholder goes over the card’s set transaction value limit.
· When a cardholder goes over the card’s set litre volume limit.
· When a cardholder uses the card on the weekends.
· When a cardholder goes over the card’s set transaction count.
Once transaction limits have been set, each time the card is used outside the transaction limit, the account holder will receive an email to inform them of the breach.
If the account holder has opted to ‘Decline & Alert’ transactions that do not adhere to a card's transaction limits, the transaction will decline at the point of sale and the cardholder will also receive an email alert of the breach.
*Decline & Alert: Transactions will not be processed when controls are breached, and a notification will be sent to the account holder’s email address.
**Approve & Alert: Transactions will be processed when controls are breached, and a notification will be sent to the account holder’s email address.
You can set transaction controls by logging in to the StarCard Online Service Centre.
All cards: navigate to Account → Transaction Controls.
1. Specific cards: navigate to Cards → Select card → Card Transaction Controls.
2. Transaction controls can be tailored for each card with different controls or applied at an account-level for the same controls across all cards.
Note that any updates or changes to transaction controls will take one business day to take effect.
Learn how our odometer readings work.
Odometer readings are the numeric value displayed on the vehicle's odometer readout, which measures the actual distance a vehicle has travelled.
Odometer readings are an important part of fuel and logistics management.
If you have the odometer readings option enabled, you will see the readings recorded at the time of payment in your statements. No other odometer reporting is available.
We can prompt your drivers to record their odometer readings for you. You can also opt to receive an email alert for missed or incorrect odometer readings from your drivers.
If the odometer readings option is enabled, the cardholder is prompted for the odometer reading when they swipe their Caltex StarCard at the terminal.
However, odometer readings are not available with ‘Driver Only’ cards because the reading must be associated with a single vehicle.
You can choose to set up odometer readings for one, some or all of your drivers' cards.
Contact our Customer Service team on 1300 234 279 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria) to organise this.
Once an account or card is set up for odometer readings, the cardholder will be prompted for the odometer reading when the card is swiped at the terminal.
However, please note that this might not be available at all fuel sites.
Even if the transaction needs to be processed by a manual voucher (for example if the payment terminal is down), the odometer reading can still be recorded on the manual voucher.
Odometer readings are reported on your statements in the section that breaks down the spend per card.
To enable odometer alerts, log in to the StarCard Online Service Centre and navigate to
Account → Transaction Controls → Odometer Controls.
Questions about payments and fees.
You can view the full Caltex StarCard Fee Schedule here. The only ongoing charges for Caltex StarCard are the monthly management fee and the Open Loop transaction fee. You can avoid any additional charges by:
· Paying your account on time.
· Paying via direct debit or EFT (electronic funds transfer from a cheque or savings account).
· Not spending over your account limit.
· Setting up email statements.
If you spend over your account limit you may incur additional fees.
You can see your current balance in the StarCard Online Service Centre by navigating to the Overview page under the Current balance section. You will also see the date the balance was last updated.
Making a payment is easy. You can pay your account by either direct debit, EFT, credit card, BPAY, or on the phone.
There are no fees for payments made via direct debit or EFT, but some fees may apply to other payment methods.
To make payments over the phone simply call 1300 234 279 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria), and follow the prompts. Please have your credit card details and account number ready.
Payment terms are up to 44 days (30 day billing terms + 14 day payment terms). Payment terms are varied and depend on individual credit assessment The maximum payment terms allowed are up to 44 days.
If you are an account holder, you can manage and view your payments in the StarCard Online Service Centre. Simply navigate to the Overview page and check your account status.
Please note that for any overdue payments, it may take up to five business days to confirm that your payment has been successfully received.
Find answers to reporting and statement-related questions here.
No, Caltex StarCard does not automatically integrate directly with Xero or MYOB. However, you will be sent your statement in a .txt file which can be uploaded easily into Xero or MYOB directly. You can still reconcile your Caltex StarCard statements in Xero and MYOB by uploading the data into Xero or MYOB directly.
Transaction data is updated on the StarCard Online Service Centre regularly for purchase transactions, payment transactions, late payments, and spend limits.
Purchase transactions
Terminal sales transactions are visible in the StarCard Online Service Centre two business days after the transaction. This excludes weekends and public holidays.
Note that the processing of manual transactions depends on when the merchant sends their vouchers for processing, meaning that these transactions may take longer to be visible in the StarCard Online Service Centre.
You can see your current balance in the StarCard Online Service Centre by navigating to the Overview page under the Current balance section. You will also see the date the balance was last updated.
Payment transactions
Payments are not shown as individual payments in the StarCard Online Service Centre, but are instead accounted towards your remaining account balance shown in the StarCard Online Service Centre instead.
Direct debit payments (from a debit or credit card account) are reflected in your StarCard Online Service Centre on the day of payment.
Note that payments completed manually by customers, such as BPAY, EFT and manual debit and credit card payments, may take up to three business days to appear in the StarCard Online Service Centre.
Late payments
Overdue payments will display immediately in the StarCard Online Service Centre.
If one or more of your statements is overdue, these are displayed in red in the StarCard Online Service Centre, Overview and Account → Billing and Payment sections.
Note that the StarCard Online Service Centre starts displaying statements as being overdue from the due date onwards.
We have a range of reports available including statements, transaction data, annual activity report, and quarterly activity reports.
You can choose how often you receive statements: either weekly, fortnightly or monthly, depending upon your billing cycle. You can also access your statements at any time through the StarCard Online Service Centre.
Statements may be delivered either electronically or by post, depending on your preference. Statements delivered by email are free of charge.
Transaction data
You can log in to the StarCard Online Service Centre to see your transaction data for the last 13 months. You can also download your transaction data in a .csv file.
Annual activity report
Tax time can be stressful. That's why we provide you with the option of receiving an Annual Activity Report that includes a summary of each vehicle’s spend for the financial year. It does not include odometer readings.
Note that an Annual Activity Report incurs a fee. If you currently receive a Quarterly Activity Report, you will receive a complimentary Annual Activity Report for the cards set up to receive a Quarterly Activity Report.
Quarterly activity report
A Quarterly Activity Report can be provided for each card. It summarises spend by product type, litres purchased and GST components, but does not include odometer readings.
A Quarterly Activity Report incurs a fee. You will receive a complimentary Annual Activity Report for the specific cards set up to receive a Quarterly Activity Report.
Customer statements are issued either weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on the account holder’s billing cycle preferences.
To change your billing cycle preferences, please contact our Customer Service team on 1300 234 279 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria), or email starcardau@chevron.com.
Your Caltex StarCard statements are available as digital statements (via email) or paper statements (via post). Email statements are free and contain both a PDF and a text file for your convenience. There is a charge for paper statements and statements are delivered to you depending on your billing cycle (weekly, fortnightly or monthly).
We encourage you to save money by opting into email statements, rather than paper statements.
You can also download statements for up to 13 months for free in the StarCard Online Service Centre under Reports → Statements or Account → Statements. These statements look the same as the statements sent via email.
If you need statements older than 13 months, log in to the StarCard Online Service Centre and navigate to Account → Statements → Request previous statement. Note that for statements older than 13 months, there will be a charge.
Everything you need to know about our roadside assistance service.
You can add a StarCard Roadside Assistance subscription to your account by filling out the application form and either emailing or posting it to us. You can access the application form here.
The service will be activated within two business days of receiving your application form. Once we've activated the service on the card, we'll send you a letter confirming the service is active.
You can add a StarCard Roadside Assistance subscription to selected cards. Just add those vehicles to the application form when signing up for StarCard Roadside Assistance.
Even if you have card restrictions on your account, you can sign up for a StarCard Roadside Assistance subscription
You can choose to pay the StarCard Roadside Assistance subscription fees either monthly or yearly. Charges will be made to your StarCard account.
Note that any StarCard Roadside Assistance charges are reported on your statements in the section that breaks down the spend per card.
If you have a StarCard Roadside Assistance subscription and you need emergency roadside assistance, call 1300 170 719 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria) and have the following information ready:
· Your name and telephone number.
· Your breakdown location (stating the nearest cross street where possible).
· Your vehicle registration number.
· Your vehicle make, model and year.
· A description of the problem.
The StarCard Roadside Assistance Team will then attend to your emergency as promptly as possible.
To find out if you have a StarCard Roadside Assistance subscription connected with your fuel card(s), please send us an email via starcardau@chevron.com.
You can also call our Customer Service team on 1300 366 109 (Monday to Friday, 8:45 AM – 7:00 PM AEST, excluding public holidays in Victoria).
Please ensure to include your name and account number within your email enquiry.
If you cancel your Caltex StarCard account, you can't continue with your StarCard Roadside Assistance subscription.
This is because you can only pay for your StarCard Roadside Assistance expenses with a Caltex StarCard.
If you wish to cancel your StarCard Roadside Assistance subscription, please send an email to starcardau@chevron.com.