Caltex shoots for the stars for Starlight Foundation

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Caltex shoots for the stars for Starlight Foundation

May 15, 2024

blonde woman is smiling holding a bunch of yellow and purple balloons. She is standing beside a yellow star mascot in front of a starmart convenience store A woman is self serving coffee from a coffee machine. A large yellow sign above is displayed with the words "Coffee Plus"

Next week the Caltex network across Australia is going all out for sick children, continuing its record-breaking support of the Starlight Week annual fundraising appeal. 

From Monday 20 May to Sunday 26 May, Caltex-branded company owned and operated sites will drive a national fundraising effort, encouraging customers and business partners across its national network to support the Starlight Children’s Foundation Australia.  

Chevron Australia Downstream General Manager Lorne Chambers said Caltex will also donate proceeds of all retail coffee sales while in-store promotions from participating suppliers will attract a 10 cent donation per unit to support Starlight.  

“Caltex is a long-term platinum partner and proud supporter of Starlight, raising over $4.42 million to support children in need,” Lorne said.   

“Last year alone, we raised $314 268, which helped brighten the lives of 8,783 kids. 

Starlight Week is passionately supported by the Caltex team around the country, with service stations and employees alike decking out in purple and yellow to raise awareness, funds and to drive in-store donations. 

“Caltex also collaborates with our suppliers and partners through company-led initiatives, retail promotions, and participation in Starlight's signature events,” Lorne said. 

The Caltex brand is trusted by generations of Australians and the long-standing partnership with the Starlight Foundation is closely aligned to the company’s core values, which strives to make a positive difference in the communities in which it operates. 

More information about how to get involved with the Starlight Foundation is available here

About Chevron

Caltex is a brand owned by Chevron, one of the world's leading integrated energy companies with more than 70 years of history in Australia.

We believe affordable, reliable and ever cleaner energy is essential to enabling human progress. Chevron produces crude oil and natural gas; manufactures transportation fuels, lubricants, petrochemicals and additives; and develops technologies that enhance our business and the industry. We aim to grow our oil and gas business, lower the carbon intensity of our operations and grow lower carbon businesses in renewable fuels, carbon capture and offsets, hydrogen and other emerging technologies. 


Adrian Kwintowski