![]() Caltex Diesel (Bio) with Techron® D |
RM 3.18 |
![]() Premium 97 with Techron® |
RM 3.43 |
![]() Premium 95 with Techron® |
RM 2.05 |
![]() Caltex Power Diesel (EURO5) with Techron® D |
RM 3.38 |
Last Updated 13 Feb 2025, 12:00 AM |
Techron, the special ingredient in all Caltex petrols, makes them unsurpassed at keeping vital engine parts clean, helping your car perform at its best. Lower quality fuels can leave harmful deposits in your car's engine. As these deposits accumulate over time, your car may begin to hesitate during acceleration, knock or lose power. Petrols with Techron are unbeatable at cleaning up and avoiding deposits. There's no better way for you to protect and maintain your engine's performance than by using a petrol with Techron.
Many other petrols use a detergent additive that's based on polybutene amine (PBA)-based chemistry. PBA additives do an adequate job of controlling intake system deposits–but only if the dosage in the fuel is high enough to do the job. In recent years, the concentration of PBA in many petrols has fallen so low that the petrols do not keep intake systems clean. And if a petrol uses a concentration of PBA-based additive that's high enough to keep the intake system clean, the additive itself can contribute materially to combustion chamber deposits. Excessive combustion chamber deposits can cause an engine to need a higher octane petrol to avoid knock or loss in performance. These excessive deposits can also cause higher tailpipe emissions. In contrast, Techron provides unsurpassed intake system deposit control, while simultaneously minimizing any contribution to harmful combustion chamber deposits.
Yes, and not just your car – but any vehicle you drive. This is because Techron, a special additive in all Caltex petrol, cleans deposits from your engine (that would have come from inferior-quality fuel) and prevents future build-up.
No. While both based on polyetheramine chemistry, each is optimized for its particular application. Petrols containing Techron helps clean engine deposits left by low quality petrols and helps keep engines clean through regular use of a lower additive dose, while a bottle of Techron Concentrate Plus added to your fuel tank provides a quicker clean-up of deposits left by lower-quality petrol, through a higher additive dose.
If you regularly use a high-quality petrol such as Caltex, you probably don't need Techron Concentrate Plus. However, should you occasionally fill up with lower quality petrol, you may need Techron Concentrate Plus to help clean up deposits that can build up over time. In addition, if you have an engine that is sensitive to deposit formation, or if your vehicle is regularly used under severe conditions, you may also benefit from using Techron Concentrate Plus.
If you regularly use a high-quality petrol such as Caltex, you probably don't need Techron Concentrate Plus. However, should you occasionally fill up with lower quality petrol, you may need Techron Concentrate Plus to help clean up deposits that can build up over time. In addition, if you have an engine that is sensitive to deposit formation, or if your vehicle is regularly used under severe conditions, you may also benefit from using Techron Concentrate Plus.
Deposits on carburetors, fuel injectors and intake valves can cause your car to produce higher emissions, which contribute to air pollution. Petrols with Techron are unbeatable at cleaning up and avoiding these deposits, giving you reduced emissions. And unlike the deposit control additives used by many oil companies, petrol with Techron cleans up intake system deposits while minimizing the contribution to emission-causing combustion chamber deposits.
Knocking and pinging are generally caused by improper combustion in your engine. If the fuel-air mixture auto-ignites somewhere in the cylinder, the auto-ignition combustion wave can interact with the spark-initiated combustion wave, causing the vibration you hear as knock or ping. An increase in engine load, temperature, compression, spark-advance, air-fuel ratio and combustion chamber deposits all contribute to the tendency for an engine to knock. The use of higher octane fuel reduces this tendency. Deposits in the combustion chamber can increase you engine's appetite for octane by increasing the compression ratio. Fortunately, petrol with Techron minimizes any contribution to potentially harmful combustion chamber deposits.
As a regulatory change, oil companies in Malaysia are now required to follow the guidelines of the Euro 4M standard for RON95 and RON97 petrol. Euro 4M is adapted from the European Union’s (EU) strict rules on fuel standards and specifications to manage fuel quality that have impact on the environment.
The main objective of the fuel standard upgrade is to improve emissions for better air quality. This also has to be done in unison with the availability of Euro 4 compliant vehicles.
The aim for the Euro 4M implementation mandated by the Malaysian government is to reduce exhaust emissions. This means lower levels of harmful exhaust emissions from motor vehicles and thus, cleaner and better air quality. This can be achieved via the introduction of the latest, most advanced emission control and engine technology that is available in Euro 4 compliant vehicles.
In the Malaysian context, the main difference between Euro 2M and Euro 4M standard fuel is the sulfur content which was significantly reduced from 500ppm to 50ppm.
The fuel currently sold in Malaysia is of Euro 4M standard. With effect from 1 January 2020, the Malaysia government has mandated Euro 4M standard for RON95 petrol.
RON (Research Octane Number) is a rating of petrol. It determines the petrol’s ‘anti-knock’ quality or resistance to pre ignition or detonation as it burns in the combustion chamber. Knocking is an abnormal combustion and should be prevented as severe knocking can be damaging to the engine.
Most vehicles are able to use Euro 4M RON97. It is safe and requires no modification for existing petrol driven engines. However, it is best to refer to the Original Equipment Manufacturer’s (OEM) recommendation in your car manual or check the back of the petrol filler lid of your car for the recommended octane rating.
There will be no harmful impact on the engine. If you’re driving a Euro 2M compatible vehicle, using Euro 4M standard petrol may have some improvement in the emissions as the engine and after-treatment exhaust technologies are exposed to even lower sulfur levels which can help improve exhaust catalyst efficiency.
Using petrol of a higher RON will not harm your car. You just need to find a suitable fit for your car and driving style. It’s best to refer to the Original Equipment Manufacturer’s (OEM) recommendation in your car manual or check the back of the petrol filler lid of your car for the recommended octane rating.
Not necessary, you can top up with Euro 4M RON95 at any time but to enjoy the benefits of Euro4M RON95 for a cleaner environment, motorist may want to refuel only when the tank is at low level.
Both Euro 4M RON95 and EURO 4M RON97 Caltex with Techron are proven to keep your engine parts clean and performing at its best. Techron cleans the fuel injectors and intake valves and minimises the harmful deposits within the combustion chamber.
There is no issue if the OEM’s (Original Equipment Manufacturer) recommended RON is RON95. But, if the OEM’s recommended RON is RON97 and above, mixing different RON levels (RON95 and RON97) may result in a loss of performance.
Using petrol of a higher RON will not harm your car. You just need to find a suitable fit for your car and driving style. It’s best to refer to the Original Equipment Manufacturer’s (OEM) recommendation in your car manual or check the back of the petrol filler lid of your car for the recommended octane rating.
Yes. Both are available at all Caltex stations in Peninsular Malaysia
In compliance with regulatory changes made by the Government, the said fuel product was developed in essence to continue improving emissions for better air quality.
With the new Caltex Diesel™ with Techron® D (Euro5) B10 product, the Euro5 indicates the commercially available fuel that supports the corresponding Euro 5 emission standard, while the B10 represents the content of biodiesel at 10vol%.
The term B7 depicts the content of biodiesel in a petroleum diesel, in particular palm-based biodiesel, which is of 7vol% palm biodiesel blend. B10 biodiesel would then mean 10vol% palm biodiesel blend.
In Malaysia, biodiesel is produced from palm oil through chemical processes such as transesterification while petroleum diesel is a specific fraction obtained from the refining of crude petroleum oil. As such, biodiesel is a renewable fuel and petroleum diesel is a finite and fast depleting fuel.
Yes. Sustainable fuel refers to the production and utilisation of fuel in a sustainable manner meeting the environmental, social, and economic challenges.
Yes, both types of biodiesel can be used interchangeably. However, it is highly advisable for motorists to follow recommendations set forth by respective Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).
Most diesel vehicles can run on B10 blends, as long as the biodiesel blend is
produced by a reputable supplier, such as Caltex and meets the Malaysian fuel standards. However, it is highly recommended that you consult your vehicle owner’s manual for specific information regarding which type of fuel your vehicle can take. You may also consult your car dealer or manufacturer for additional information.
Caltex’s latest product is made up of up to 10% renewable energy. Using Caltex Diesel™ with Techron® D (Euro 5) B10 instead of regular fuel assists in the reduction of air pollution, and its diversified energy supply can also reduce the dependence on imported fuels. This will serve as a massive bid in saving and preserving the natural resources available on the planet.
There is generally no need for any engine improvements or modifications. It is best
to refer to the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for recommendations.
The product may be loaded into a vehicle’s fuel storage tank without draining the remaining diesel in it. But it is strongly advised that you use only Caltex Diesel™ with Techron® D (Euro 5) B10 to fully benefit from its cleaning and high-performance capabilities for your engine.
Generally, Euro 5 B10 Diesel products will not make significant changes to existing vehicles with black smoke problems. For well-maintained engines, replacing the current grade of diesel with Caltex Diesel™ with Techron® D (Euro 5) B10 will help to further improve our air quality. The said Caltex diesel fuel will make exhaust after-treatment devices more effective. When the device is installed on an engine, we can expect lower emissions and fewer particulates compared to older vehicles. The best way to keep smoke levels down is to operate a well maintained engine and not overload it.
Depending on your vehicle make and model, a Euro 5 compliant engine vehicle will have a much more significant reduction in emissions, as compared to older vehicles.
As Malaysia operates in a ‘managed float’ system, the pump prices are determined by the Government each week.
Caltex Diesel™ with Techron® D (Euro 5) B10 contains Techron®, a proprietary, advanced technology, and multifunctional additive system that maintains fuel injector cleanliness and protects fuel system components to help ensure that engines operate at optimal efficiency and performance. It also consists of a lubricity agent to minimize wear on fuel injections and fuel pump components. As sulphur is damaging to the engine, the lower sulphur content in Euro 5 diesel also helps to reduce both the particulates and sulphur dioxide emissions of diesel engines.
Drivers can mix the said Caltex diesel product with the existing diesel during the initial phasing in of Euro 5 diesel. But once the vehicle is on the run with
Caltex Diesel™ with Techron® D (Euro 5) B10, it is advisable not to mix other Diesel products of different standards and brands as it might reduce the effectiveness of exhaust after-treatment devices sooner than later.
For queries on biodiesel fuels, please visit Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) website or call them at 603-8769 4400. Alternatively, you may contact Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (KPPK) at 603-8887 8353. On the other hand, queries regarding Euro 5 fuel specification, can be directed to the Department of Environment (DOE) at 603-8871 2000.
After the regulatory change government in 2015, all oil companies were required to follow the guidelines of the Euro 4M standard for RON97 petrol. In essence to continue improving emissions for better air quality, Euro 5 diesel is also being offered to the public as a voluntary product by the government.
Chevron and its brand Caltex is committed to ensuring our customers are equipped with the best fuel, hence we would like to make Euro 5 diesel product available for our customers at selected service stations.
The specifications of Euro 5 diesel and Euro 2M diesel are similar, except for the reduction on sulphur content by a factor of more than 50 i.e. from 500ppm to less than 10ppm.
Euro 5 diesel can still be used on older vehicles but there’s only slight environmental benefit as older engine technology inherently has higher emissions than new and advanced diesel engines that are equipped with ultra-low emission capability of exhaust after treatment technology.
Euro 5 diesel can be used in conjunction with catalysts and particulate traps retrofitted and installed on older vehicles to help reduce smoke and particulates from these engines.
Engines that are in good mechanical condition and receive routine maintenance in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations will not require any adjustments in order to use Euro 5 diesel.
Black smoke is among the most common smoke issues for diesel vehicles. It is emitted from a diesel vehicle caused by an air-to-fuel ratio that is unbalanced. The smoke contains particles such as carbon and soot that are not being burned as fuel.
Euro 5 diesel will not make significant changes to existing vehicles with black smoke problems.
For well-maintained engines, replacing the current grade of Euro 2M diesel with Euro 5 diesel will help to further improve our air quality.
Euro 5 diesel will make exhaust after-treatment devices more effective. When the device is installed on an engine, we can expect lower emissions and less particulates compared to older vehicles. The best way to keep smoke levels down is to operate a well maintained engine and not to overload it.
As Malaysia operates in a ‘managed float’ system, the pump prices are determined by the government each month based on global oil prices and other factors.
At present, Euro 5 diesel is higher by RM0.10 per litre than Euro 2M diesel as permitted by the government.
Drivers can mix Euro 5 diesel with the existing diesel during the initial phasing in of Euro 5 diesel. But once the vehicle is on the run with Euro 5 diesel, it is advisable not to switch back to high-sulphur diesel as it might reduce the effectiveness of exhaust after-treatment devices sooner than later.
Euro 2M diesel will be available at all retail outlets, however only selected stations will be offering both Euro 2M and Euro 5 diesel simultaneously.
Chevron has stringent procedures to ensure our products are on specification.
The specifications of Euro5 diesel and Euro 2M diesel are similar, except for the reduction of sulphur content by a factor of more than 50 i.e. from 500ppm to less 10ppm.
In addition, the Caltex Power Diesel™ with Techron® D (Euro 5) B7 is engineered with triple cleaning power of Techron that has the following
Caltex Power Diesel is an advanced and specially formulated diesel fuel for all types of diesel engines – it helps keep fuel injectors completely cleaned, maintains zero power loss and improves fuel economy.
Depending on your vehicle make and model, a Euro 5 engine vehicle will have a much more significant reduction in emissions, as compared to a Euro 2 engine vehicle.
Yes, Caltex Power Diesel™ with Techron® D (Euro 5) B7 can be used for all types of diesel powered vehicles and stationary engines.
It is perfect for new common rail diesel engines, since it’s proven to maintain engine performance. It’s also suited for older cars as it restores lost power by removing deposits. With its ability to clean fuel injectors completely, it can help the engine perform like new with improved fuel economy.
Caltex Power Diesel™ (Euro 5) is an ultra-premiu performance, deposit control fuel designed for all diesel-fueled engines. It cleans up blocked fuel injectors and keeps them clean for maximum power and performance.
Caltex Power Diesel™ (Euro 5) contains proprietary, advanced technology, multifunctional additive system that maintains fuel injector cleanliness and protects fuel system components to ensure that engines operate at optimal efficiency and performance. It also consist a lubricity agent to minimize wear on fuel injections and fuel pump components.
As sulphur is damaging to the engine, the lower sulphur content in Euro 5 diesel also helps to reduce both the particulates and sulfur dioxide emissions of diesel engines.