1. 雪佛龍香港有限公司(「雪佛龍」)乃是次推廣活動之主辦機構。
a. 參與是次「禮物任你賞」活動(「任你賞」)或「終極大抽獎」(「大抽獎」)之顧客必須是年滿十八歲或以上之加德士私人能源咭或VIP再賞咭會員(「參加者」);
b. 參加者必須已閱讀此條款及細則,及同意受其約束。
2. 於2022年11月14日至2023年1月8日期間(含當天)(「推廣期」),參加者於任何加德士加油站憑加德士私人能源咭或VIP再賞咭會員入特配Techron®汽油滿HK$400或以上(折扣後並以單一交易計算),即可獲得線上任你賞賞刮卡(「賞刮卡」)一張,若參加者於任何加德士加油站憑加德士私人能源咭或VIP再賞咭會員入特配Techron®汽油滿HK$400或以上(折扣後並以單一交易計算)滿五次,更可獲得參與大抽獎機會一次。
3. 任你賞之條款及細則:
a. 每個合資格參加者在推廣期內完成指定消費金額後,將獲邀請掃描任你賞QR Code並可於任你賞網站參加抽獎,推廣期內參加次數不限,惟每張賞刮卡只可換領咭上所標示的獎品一份。
b. 參加者必須於交易後即場參加抽獎,並即場兌換奬品,否則將會作廢。
c. 參加者須透過任你賞網站登記,並輸入入油金額、加德士私人能源咭或VIP再賞咭號碼(最後8位數字),截止登記時間為2023年1月9日上午2時00分。
d. 賞刮卡之螢幕截圖版本恕不接納。
e. 是次任你賞之獎品超過11萬份,包括:加德士HK$100汽油優惠券、維他青檸檸檬茶 250 毫升 6 包裝、可口可樂888 毫升、雀巢咖啡、日清合味道即食麵、八道大碗麵、鴻福堂飲品260 毫升。
f. 所有換領獎品圖片只供參考,與實物或有差異。
g. 若雪佛龍並非該獎品的直接供應商,便不會對獎品負有任何法律責任。顧客如對相關獎品有任何爭議,須直接與有關獎品之供應商聯絡,雪佛龍可提供有關接洽人之聯絡資料。
4. 大抽獎之條款及細則:
a. 參加者須透過網站https://luckydraw.caltexpromotion.com登記,並輸入姓名、加德士私人能源咭或VIP再賞咭號碼(最後8位數字)及香港手提電話號碼以參加抽獎。
b. 推廣期由2022年11月14日至2023年1月8日23時59分(含當天),截止登記時間為2023年1月9日上午2時00分。
c. 累積每五張單一汽油消費滿HK$400或以上之加德士私人能源咭或VIP再賞咭會員可獲1次抽獎機會,如此類推。所有交易記錄會根據參加者之加德士私人能源咭或VIP再賞咭帳戶的電腦記錄為準。
d. 大抽獎的得獎者將於2023年1月13日由電腦隨機抽出,得獎名額共2位,每位可獲得總值HK$20,000的加德士私人能源咭免找數消費額。總金額會存入登記得獎者的加德士私人能源咭帳戶或會以一張全新加德士私人能源咭預付金額給予所登記之得獎者,有效使用期為1年。如得奬者之消費總金額多於 HK$20,000,餘下的金額將由得獎者自行支付。
e. 兩位得獎者將個別收到短訊及有專人以電話通知。如於2023年1月20日或之前仍未能與得獎者聯絡,其得獎資格將被作廢,雪佛龍會從候補得獎者名單中補上。得獎名單資料(包括名字及加德士私人能源咭或VIP再賞咭號碼. )將於2023年1月18日刊登於星島日報及英文虎報。
f. 參加者有責任確保其填寫之資料真確無誤,若有任何遺漏及錯誤,雪佛龍保留將該抽獎機會作廢的權利,並不作另行通知。
g. 得獎者於領取獎品時須出示身份證、加德士私人能源咭或VIP再賞咭及入油收據正本(完整及清晰易讀)以作核對,並同意受條款及細則所約束。
5. 雪佛龍的所有員工均不得參加本推廣活動。
6. 本推廣活動如有任何因電腦、網絡、電話、技術或其他不可歸責於雪佛龍之事由,而使參加者之登記資料有遺失、錯誤、無法辨識、損毀或外洩,雪佛龍概不負任何法律責任,由上述原因而導致的任何資格取消,皆為不可抗力事由,參加者均不得異議。
7. 雪佛龍保留使用得獎者之相片及名字的權利,以用於所有關於是次推廣活動之公關宣傳活動上。
8. 雪佛龍會確保此抽獎活動所收集的個人資料用作此推廣活動並會根據《個人資料私隱條例(第486章)》妥善處理。有關本公司的私隱權政策,請參閱https://www.caltex.com/hk/zh/privacy-statement.html。
9. 在任何情況下,是次推廣活動的獎品不能轉讓、兜售、更換及兌換現金或任何其他產品或優惠。
10. 入油收據如有任何不完整、偽造、影印、損毀、重印、修改、塗污或不符合資格(非推廣期內),均不會獲接受,雪佛龍有權取消其得奬資格。收據如有遺失,雪佛龍恕不補發,獎品資格將被作廢。
11. 是次推廣活動只包括加德士私人能源咭或VIP再賞咭。
12. 如有任何爭議,將以雪佛龍決定為準。
13. 任何非此推廣活動的承約方,不能依據香港法例第623章"合約(第三者權利)條例"執行。
14. 由此推廣活動或與推廣活動有關的任何爭議或索賠,應受香港法律管轄、解釋、及執行,不考慮法律規則的選擇。
15. 如本條款及細則之中文版與英文版有任何歧異,概以英文版本為準。
16. 推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼:56294-5
17. 如有任何關於推廣活動的查詢,請致電客戶服務熱線2582 6288。
Terms and Conditions:
Terms and Conditions on The Caltex “Personal StarCard Or VIP JoyFuel Card” Scratch & Win and “Lucky Draw” Program (collectively the “Promotion”):
1. The Promotion is organized by Chevron Hong Kong Limited (“Chevron”).
a. Customers who are eligible for “Scratch & Win" (“Scratch & Win”) or the “Lucky Draw program” (“Lucky Draw”) must be valid Caltex Personal StarCard or VIP JoyFuel Card holders, and at least 18 years of age (“Participants”);
b. Participants must have read and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions herein.
2. From 14 November, 2022 to 8 January, 2023 (both days inclusive) (“Promotional Period”), Participants who fuel up HK$400 or more (after discount in a single transaction) worth of Caltex Techron® gasoline with a Caltex Personal StarCard or VIP JoyFuel Card at any Caltex Service Station are eligible to redeem one online Scratch & Win Card. Participants who accumulate and fuel up the abovementioned amount 5 times with a Caltex Personal StarCard or VIP JoyFuel Card are also eligible to be enrolled to the Lucky Draw once.
3. Terms and Conditions of Scratch & Win:
a. Each eligible Participant can scan the QR code to participate in the Scratch & Win once by spending designated amount during the Promotional Period. There is no limit on the number of Scratch & Win Card to be collected and redeemed by the Participants during the Promotional Period under eligible purchase. Each Scratch & Win card can only redeem one prize.
b. Participants shall complete the Lucky Draw and redeem the prize immediately at the gas station after the transaction and upon issuance of the receipt. Once the Participants leave the service station, the Scratch & Win card will be deemed invalid and cannot be subsequently used to redeem prizes.
c. Participants can visit the Scratch & Win website and register with fuelling amount and the last 8 digits of the Caltex Personal StarCard or VIP JoyFuel Card number. Registration deadline is at 02:00 on 9 January, 2023.
d. Screen captures of the Scratch & Win Card are not acceptable.
e. More than 110,000 prizes for the Scratch & Win are available which include: HK$100 Caltex Gasoline Discount Coupon, Vita Lime Lemon 250ml 6 pack, Coca-Cola 888ml, Nescafe Coffee, Nissan Cup Noodle, Paldo Korean Noodle, Hung Fook Tong 260 ml.
f. Photos are for reference only; actual prizes may vary.
g. If Chevron is not the direct supplier of the prize, it will not bear any legal responsibility for the relevant prizes. Should there be any dispute concerning the prize, winner(s) shall contact the prize supplier(s) directly. Chevron may provide contact details of the relevant contact person if necessary.
4. Terms and Conditions of “Lucky Draw”:
a. To enroll to the Lucky Draw, please visit our website https://luckydraw.caltexpromotion.com by registering Participant’s name, the last 8 digits of The Caltex Personal StarCard or VIP JoyFuel Card number and Hong Kong mobile phone number.
b. The Promotional Period will be between 14 November, 2022 to 23:59 on 8 January, 2023 (both days inclusive) with registration deadline at 02:00 on 9 January, 2023.
c. During the Promotional Period, Participants who accumulate 5 single receipts of gasoline purchase of HK$400 or above with The Caltex Personal StarCard or VIP JoyFuel Card are eligible for one Lucky Draw opportunity and so on. All transaction records will be based on the computer records of the customer Caltex Personal StarCard or VIP JoyFuel Card accounts.
d. Lucky Draw winners will be randomly drawn by computer on 13 January, 2023. There will be a total of two (2) winners and each one will receive a total of HK$20,000 Caltex Personal StarCard free fuel credit. The amount will be credited into the registered Caltex Personal StarCard account or a new Caltex Personal StarCard with a total amount of pre-paid value in the sum of HK$20,000 with validity for one year will be given to the winners. Any consumption exceeding the total value sum will be absorbed by the winner(s).
e. All two winners will be notified individually by SMS and by personal phone call. If Chevron is unable to contact a winner on or before 20 January, 2023, his/her eligibility will be voided. The concerned prize(s) will be granted to substituted winner(s) according to the list of reserved winners. Winners’ information (including name and The Caltex Personal StarCard or VIP JoyFuel Card number) will be published in the Sing Tao Daily and The Standard on 18 January, 2023.
f. Participants are responsible for the accuracy and validity of the information provided for the Lucky Draw purpose. In case of any omissions or errors, Chevron reserves the right to disqualify the entry without prior notice.
g. All winners will be required to present their HKID card, Caltex Personal StarCard or VIP JoyFuel Card and the original receipts (in good and legible condition) for verification purposes. Winners shall agree to the terms and conditions of the Promotion.
5. All Chevron staff members are not eligible to participate in the Promotion.
6. If any registered data is lost, inaccurate, unidentifiable, damaged or leaked due to any computer breakdown, network, telephone or technical failure which are outside Chevron’s reasonable control, Chevron shall not be liable. Any disqualification as a result of the aforementioned incidents is a force majeure event, the Participants shall not dispute.
7. Chevron reserves the right to use winners' photos and names in all public relations activities related to this Promotion.
8. Chevron will ensure that all personal data collected in this Promotion will be used for this Promotion and will be properly handled in accordance to the “Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance” (Chapter 486). Please visit https://www.caltex.com/hk/en/privacy-statement.html to know more about our Privacy Statement.
9. All prizes under this Promotion and any redeemed item is not transferable, and cannot be resold, replaced or exchanged for cash or any other products or offers under any circumstances.
10. Any receipts which are incomplete, fake, copy, broken, reprint, edited, smeared, illegible or not within the Promotional Period will not be accepted. In light of this, Chevron reserves the right to determine the eligibility of the winners. In case of lost receipt, no replacement or reissuance will be processed. The winner’s eligibility will be forfeited.
11. This Promotion is applicable to Caltex Personal StarCard and VIP JoyFuel Card customers only.
12. In case of any dispute, Chevron reserves the right of the final decision.
13. Any party other than party to this Promotion cannot exercise the right under the "Contract (Rights of Third Party) Ordinance", Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong.
14. Any disputes or claims related to the Promotion shall be governed, interpreted and enforced by the laws of Hong Kong, regardless of the choice of law rules.
15. Should the Chinese and English versions of these Terms and Conditions vary, the English version shall prevail.
16. Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: 56294-5
17. For any enquiry related to the Promotion, please contact our Customer Service Hotline at 2582 6288.